(Momento Press Page)
The new album by Dave Milligan
featuring Danilo Gallo (bass) and U.T. Gandhi (drums)
Catalogue No: BBRCD018, released August 28th 2020, physical CD release: 12 May 2021
Please use the links below to access tracks and information about ‘Momento’.
This is a private page, please do not share the link. Separate audio files are in WAV format and are between 50 – 70mb each. If preferred, you can download as a package (in Zip files) or listen to the tracks via the SoundCloud player
Album Package (WAV)
ZIP file containing WAV files, album art + digital booklet (403.8 MB)
Album Package (MP3)
ZIP file containing MP3 files, album art + digital booklet (98.8 MB)
Downloadable tracks (separate WAV files):
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Listen on SoundCloud:
Momento is Milligan’s first album since 2008.
The music resulted from meeting Italian bass and drums team Danillo Gallo and U.T. Gandhi on an international project with Colin Steele at Edinburgh Jazz Festival. Milligan enjoyed playing with the Italians so much that, when a Creative Scotland artists bursary allowed him to travel to Cavalicco in the Italian province of Udine, he booked three days in Artesuono recording studio with master engineer Stefano Amerio and invited Gallo and Gandhi to join him.
“Before we started playing,” says Milligan, “I told Danillo and U.T. that if we didn’t even record one complete track, that was fine. This was really just an experiment. It was about letting go and being in the moment.”
Over the two days, the trio recorded everything they played and with the expert recording of Amerio, who has worked on over forty albums for the prestigious ECM Records label, they finished up with twenty tracks, some completely improvised, some Milligan originals and some improvisations based on folk songs.
Momento features seven of those tracks.
Read more in the album liner notes below…
Album cover image
Click on image to download hi-resolution version (JPG)
Digital Booklet (includes liner notes)
Click on image to view and/or download (PDF)